If something goes wrong

Fakaalofa lahi atu  Bloggers we played  kahoot to learn what to do if something goes wrong.

If your unsure tell your mum,dad,caregiver and your teacher.

You can screenshot your email and send the srceen shot to your teacher.

If they send you a link DONT! open it And forward it to your teacher.

The Unlucky girl

Kia ora Bloggers

I have been learning how to make a movie. It was great fun. I enjoyed working with other children. I enjoyed the drama and acting. Overcoming the challenges e.g. people being absent, technical difficulties and making the movie on time.

Please watch my movie and leave a comment.

comic sharing

kia ora bloggers

whea Tanya has forgot what we share and not share

<iframe src=”https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vR4YrAdKjSfol97z9aZVKhzsfj1g_qzqPleIETtaEUVAkpTlMfKHcvjKiW_1NrhW8ssDPMZkBSRKeve/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000″ frameborder=”0″ width=”960″ height=”1009″ allowfullscreen=”true” mozallowfullscreen=”true” webkitallowfullscreen=”true”></iframe>

Samoan dance

Talofa  lava my name is Dizaiah i did a Samoan dance with my friends Bethany,Nation,and line we did a Samoan Siva.We performed at the three kings school so we can make the kids happy,learn the Samoan dance and have fun.


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